Rang |
Zeitschrift |
(absolut) |
Kategorie |
1 |
Journal of
Marketing |
6692 |
A+ |
2 |
Journal of Marketing Research |
4180 |
A+ |
3 |
Journal of Consumer Research |
3317 |
A+ |
4 |
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science |
2018 |
A+ |
5 |
Journal of Business Research |
1583 |
A |
6 |
Marketing Science |
1342 |
A |
7 |
Journal of Retailing |
1252 |
A |
8 |
Journal of Applied Psychology |
1137 |
A |
9 |
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology |
1131 |
A |
10 |
Strategic Management Journal |
1101 |
A |
11 |
Academy of Management Journal |
1012 |
A |
12 |
International Journal of Research in Marketing |
1004 |
A |
13 |
Management Science |
982 |
A |
14 |
Journal of Product Innovation Management |
905 |
A |
15 |
Journal of Service Research |
885 |
A |
16 |
Academy of Management Review |
863 |
A |
17 |
Psychology and Marketing |
830 |
A |
18 |
Journal of International Business Studies |
665 |
B |
19 |
Industrial Marketing Management |
664 |
B |
20 |
Advances in Consumer Research |
632 |
B |
21 |
Journal of Management |
546 |
B |
22 |
Journal of Consumer Psychology |
540 |
B |
23 |
Marketing Letters |
530 |
B |
24 |
Journal of Advertising |
524 |
B |
25 |
Psychological Bulletin |
503 |
B |
26 |
Journal of Advertising Research |
472 |
B |
27 |
Administrative Science Quarterly |
434 |
B |
28 |
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes |
420 |
B |
29 |
Journal of Interactive Marketing |
417 |
B |
30 |
Journal of Business Ethics |
377 |
B |
31 |
Organization Science |
376 |
B |
32 |
Journal of International Marketing |
375 |
B |
33 |
Journal of Service Management |
360 |
B |
34 |
Journal of Marketing Management |
328 |
B |
35 |
International Marketing Review |
310 |
B |
36 |
Journal of Consumer Marketing |
298 |
B |
37 |
Research Policy |
291 |
B |
38 |
Journal of Business Venturing |
266 |
B |
39 |
Journal of Services Marketing |
262 |
B |
40 |
Food Quality and Preference |
261 |
B |
41 |
Journal of Product and Brand Management |
252 |
B |
42 |
Journal of Economic Psychology |
243 |
B |
43 |
American Economic Review |
241 |
B |
44 |
Appetite |
236 |
B |
45 |
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice |
235 |
B |
Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management |
235 |
B |
47 |
MIT Sloan Management Review |
234 |
C |
Psychological Review |
234 |
C |
49 |
California Management Review |
209 |
C |
50 |
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services |
207 |
C |
51 |
Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice |
203 |
C |
52 |
Journal of Operations Management |
202 |
C |
53 |
Journal of Brand Management |
197 |
C |
54 |
American Psychologist |
195 |
C |
55 |
Long Range Planning |
194 |
C |
56 |
Psychological Methods |
190 |
C |
57 |
Annual Review of Psychology |
187 |
C |
58 |
International Business Review |
185 |
C |
59 |
Journal of Management Studies |
183 |
C |
60 |
International Journal of Advertising |
179 |
C |
61 |
Journal of Business Logistics |
176 |
C |
62 |
Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing |
175 |
C |
63 |
International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics
Management |
174 |
C |
64 |
International Journal of Electronic Commerce |
173 |
C |
Structural Equation Modeling |
173 |
C |
66 |
International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management |
172 |
C |
67 |
Journal of Consumer Behaviour |
167 |
C |
68 |
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin |
160 |
C |
69 |
Psychological Science |
155 |
C |
70 |
ZfbF Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche
Forschung |
152 |
C |
71 |
British Food Journal |
148 |
C |
Marketing ZFP - Journal of Research and Management |
148 |
C |
73 |
Business Horizons |
146 |
C |
74 |
International Journal of Project Management |
145 |
C |
75 |
Econometrica |
143 |
C |
Psychometrika |
143 |
C |
R&D Management |
143 |
C |
78 |
European Management Review |
141 |
C |
79 |
Journal of Applied Social Psychology |
134 |
C |
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing |
134 |
C |
81 |
Technovation |
129 |
C |
82 |
International Journal of Market Research |
124 |
C |
Journal of Business Economics |
124 |
C |
84 |
Marketing Theory |
123 |
C |
85 |
Journal of Consumer Affairs |
121 |
C |
86 |
British Journal of Management |
117 |
C |
87 |
Die Betriebswirtschaft |
116 |
C |
88 |
Journal of Consumer Policy |
115 |
C |
89 |
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology |
113 |
D |
90 |
Journal of Supply Chain Management |
111 |
D |
91 |
Decision Support Systems |
109 |
D |
92 |
Organization Studies |
108 |
D |
93 |
International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer
Research |
101 |
D |
94 |
Journal of Small Business Management |
99 |
D |
Multivariate Behavioral Research |
99 |
D |
96 |
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and
Cognition |
96 |
D |
Tourism Management |
96 |
D |
98 |
International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector
Marketing |
95 |
D |
99 |
Journal of Political Economy |
94 |
D |
100 |
Advances in International Marketing |
93 |
D |
Decision Sciences |
93 |
D |
102 |
Management Decision |
90 |
D |
103 |
Managing Service Quality |
87 |
D |
104 |
Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising |
86 |
D |
105 |
International Journal of Consumer Studies |
85 |
D |
106 |
Service Industries Journal |
84 |
D |
107 |
Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing |
80 |
D |
108 |
Journal of International Consumer Marketing |
77 |
D |
109 |
Journal of Strategic Marketing |
76 |
D |
110 |
International Journal of Logistics Management |
75 |
D |
Project Management Journal |
75 |
D |
112 |
Journal of Business |
73 |
D |
113 |
Public Opinion Quarterly |
72 |
D |
114 |
Journal of Macromarketing |
67 |
D |
115 |
Business Strategy and the Environment |
66 |
D |
Journal of Travel Research |
66 |
D |
Management International Review |
66 |
D |
118 |
International Journal of Bank Marketing |
64 |
D |
119 |
Creativity and Innovation Management |
63 |
D |
120 |
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making |
61 |
D |
121 |
European Journal of Innovation Management |
55 |
D |
122 |
Total Quality Management and Business Excellence |
54 |
D |
123 |
Journal of Marketing Communications |
53 |
D |
124 |
International Journal of Management Reviews |
51 |
D |
Marketing Intelligence and Planning |
51 |
D |
126 |
Academy of Marketing Science Review |
49 |
D |
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication |
49 |
D |
128 |
Transportation Journal |
48 |
D |
129 |
Educational and Psychological Measurement |
47 |
D |
Journal of Communication |
47 |
D |
131 |
WiSt, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium |
45 |
E |
132 |
Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management |
41 |
E |
Marketing Management |
41 |
E |
132 |
Neuroimage |
41 |
E |
135 |
Academy of Management Perspectives |
40 |
E |
136 |
International Journal of Industrial Organization |
39 |
E |
Marketing Review St. Gallen |
39 |
E |
138 |
Journal of Business Strategy |
38 |
E |
139 |
Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal |
37 |
E |
140 |
Trends in Food Science and Technology |
36 |
E |
141 |
International Small Business Journal |
34 |
E |
OMEGA - The International Journal of Management Science |
34 |
E |
143 |
Corporate Communications: An International Journal |
33 |
E |
144 |
Journal of Engineering and Technology Management |
32 |
E |
Journal of Relationship Marketing |
32 |
E |
146 |
International Journal of Technology Management |
31 |
E |
147 |
Group Decision and Negotiation |
30 |
E |
148 |
Electronic Markets |
29 |
E |
Food Policy |
29 |
E |
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy |
29 |
E |
151 |
Behavioral Science |
28 |
E |
Journal of Media Economics |
28 |
E |
153 |
Journal of Electronic Commerce Research |
27 |
E |
Journal of Global Marketing |
27 |
E |
Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing |
27 |
E |
156 |
International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship |
26 |
E |
Journal of Cultural Economics |
26 |
E |
Journal of Financial Services Marketing |
26 |
E |
Journal of Organizational Change Management |
26 |
E |
Journal of Sport Management |
26 |
E |
161 |
Annals of Tourism Research |
25 |
E |
162 |
Sport Marketing Quarterly |
24 |
E |
163 |
Australasian Marketing Journal |
22 |
E |
European Advances in Consumer Research |
22 |
E |
Journal of Marketing Education |
22 |
E |
Marketing Research |
22 |
E |
167 |
Zeitschrift für Personalforschung |
21 |
E |
168 |
Die Unternehmung - Swiss Journal of Business Research and
Practice |
20 |
E |
Journal of Business Market Management |
20 |
E |
170 |
Journal of Industrial Economics |
19 |
E |
171 |
Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing |
18 |
E |
Scandinavian Journal of Management |
18 |
E |
Strategy and Leadership |
18 |
E |
174 |
Journal of Customer Behaviour |
17 |
E |
175 |
Cornell Hospitality Quarterly |
16 |
E |
Journal für Betriebswirtschaft |
16 |
E |
Journal of Forecasting |
16 |
E |
Thunderbird International Business Review |
16 |
E |
179 |
International Studies of Management and Organization |
15 |
E |
Journal of Knowledge Management |
15 |
E |
Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management |
15 |
E |
182 |
Journal of Management Inquiry |
14 |
E |
Journal of Managerial Issues |
14 |
E |
Journal of Market-Focused Management |
14 |
E |
Journal of Promotion Management |
14 |
E |
186 |
Journal of Euromarketing |
13 |
E |
187 |
Journal of Applied Business Research |
12 |
E |
Journal of Health Care Marketing |
12 |
E |
189 |
Asia Pacific Journal of Management |
11 |
E |
Australian Journal of Management |
11 |
E |
Journal of General Management |
11 |
E |
192 |
Journal of Mathematical Psychology |
10 |
E |
Journal of Technology Transfer |
10 |
E |
Marketing News |
10 |
E |